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Tuesday, 11 January 2022

The Hong Kong Fox UPDATE

 As noted before, the Fox study is aimed at British foxes and their history. However, I also look at foxes around the world and particularly those made extinct. The Hong Kong fox is one of these. 

The Natural History Museum in Hong Kong does not have an HK fox taxidermy or photographs of the canid made extinct through colonial hunting. I have promised not just HK Museum but also Wildlife Hong Kong that if I find one or the other I will inform them for their records.

Since the British Natural History Museum just cannot be bothered after a year I have been researching the question of "Which fox?"

Two species are listed in Castello's Canids of the World under Chines Red Fox. V. vulpes Hoole (Southern Chinese Red Fox) and V. v. Tschiliensis (Northern Chinese Red Fox).

There are no photographs with the entry but I found a photo of the Southern fox type online. As Southern China is closest to HK I assume V v Hoole is the species now extinct, however, this would need to be proven by a taxidermy or photos.

V v Hoole I cannot find a photo of.

There are no photos that I can find of V v hoole and only ones from zoos listing Chinese red fox / Vulpes vulpes ssp these photos (below) of such a fox at Hangzhou Zoo

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