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Tuesday 1 March 2022

Bristol City Council -STILL Refusing To Say "Yes" or "No"


Above: Three badgers dead in just over two months and this found in the area: Bristol City Council says "Probably harmless" and will NOT analyse.


As Bristol City Council has refused to respond to any communications on the matter since November 2021 and still refuses to acknowledge concerns this was sent today to Nicola Beech, Labour,  Cabinet Member with responsibility for Climate, Ecology, Waste and Energy:

Hello, Ms. Beech.
I am told that you have a special interest in pesticides etc as part of your work with Bristol City Council -if this incorrect my apologies for contacting you.
I have attached links to two articles which sum up the situation in detail. Basically I have been looking into fox deaths in Bristol and at the outset Bristol City Council told me that Stewart Laws would be the person reporting back to the Mayor's office. I was also offered cooperation but when rodenticides were suspected, as the article explains, any cooperation stopped.
Tenants on a couple of council allotments were upset over the use (by other tenants) of rodenticides -something that I was told in June 2021 was illegal to use on council allotments. I and three other people have tried but Bristol City Council refuses to respond to any communication on the matter and will not say whether it is or is not legal. Yes or No are the simplest answers of course.
We had three badgers die in Eastville Park between December 2021 to February 2022. Although we can now unofficially have any dead badgers post mortem examined at the time this was not possible due to H&S (possibility of Bovine TB).  Our concerns were further raised when a large amount of unidentified blue substance was found in the Park.  The local Friends of Eastville Park contacted the council which has refused to have the substance analysed as "It's probably harmless" -an incredible statement considering that children and pets as well as wildlife use the area.
The only conclusion that could be drawn was that Bristol City Council knew what was going on since it threw up a complete block on the subject of the dead foxes as well as unidentified substance.
I am sorry if this is not your area of work but perhaps you can advise on who to forward the matter to since he Mayor's office and those who were supposed to liaise are ignoring the matter?
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
With Regards
Terry Hooper-Scharf
The British Fox Study/ UK National Carnivore Advisory

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