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Thursday, 17 March 2022

There ARE Wildcats in England and Wales

 The subject was raised again about the re-introduction of wildcats (F. silvestris sp) to England and Wales. There is still talk of rearing and releasing pairs.

Let me make it clear that pairs of wildcats were being released around England back in the early to mid 1990s and this is known (or was) amongst wildlife people. The cats have been seen and reported (privately) on numerous occasions -a good deal of the time by people confused as to what type of cat they have seen.

In Wales, according to Natural Resources Wales and its Ancient Woodland Inventory report:

This new updated inventory (AWI 2011) indicates that there are around 95,000ha of ancient woodland (AW) in Wales, compared to the 62,000ha identified in the AWI 2004.

It was not determined if reports from Wales involved releases or escapees and in at least one case reports of the cats were said to go back "decades".

So wildcats are already here.

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