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Saturday, 9 July 2022

"Why Do Foxes Need Protection?" and "Do I really Have to put my energy into clicking the mouse?"

 Hunts slaughtered the three Old fox types that were unique to Britain and they KNEW they were wiping them out a wrote about it but....continued killing until they were extinct.

Hunts also wiped out deer populations..

They also wiped out hare populations

They and their associates wiped out the Old wild cat.

Again, they KNEW they were doing this but "had" to have their sport.

But wait, I know what you are thinking: why do we still have foxes if they were wiped out?

Well, from (at least) the 1600s foxes were imported from Europe and come the 1800s there were thousands each year imported to keep the 'sport' going and hunts even managed and bred foxes (still do) to carry on hunting them which ridicules the statement that they only hunt to get rid of vermin (vermin is ONLY a hunting term). Oh, their importing brought us another gift: mange which was unknown up to that point in the UK.

Why, then, do we still have deer? Guess? They imported them from Europe.

And hares? Yep, imported from Europe.

All imported so that these 'people' could have their 'sport'.

I have no idea HOW badgers survived at all.

However, lupicide got rid of wolves. vulpicide got rid of our Old foxes and felicide killed off the wild cat across England, Wales and Scotland.

Before you say "They are rare but there are still Scottish wild cats" -no. We currently have Wild Tabbies that bear no resemblance to the original "British Tiger"/"Highland Tiger" and using historical records this is proven beyond doubt. In 1897 an esteemed Scottish zoology journal announced (after 30+ years study by a Mr Hamilton) that the true Scottish wild cat had become extinct during the early 1800s.

Now there are plans afoot to bring in European wild cats to breed with the non-existent "pure breed" Scottish wild cat to keep it going. Humans keep introducing wildlife, decide its "invasive" and then start killing it. Protected wild cats in Scotland are still killed each week.
Remember that badgers (NEVER a proven threat to ground nesting birds, hedgehogs, foxes and any other "vermin" are killed to protect the grouse and other "game birds". Game birds that are imported each year for the 'sportsmen' to blast away at, wound and kill.

It is protecting something they "enjoy" killing by killing other species that they also get "fun" out of.

They kill for fun which is why cubs are still snatched from cities and towns each year. Also there are the snarers and 'sport' shooters -very 'manly' to hunt something the size of a domestic cat -and they are not beyond that either.

"Why isn't something being done about this?"

Conservative Government is one answer. The other is that there are three FB groups with over 40,000 members and yet, when a petition comes along to save foxes or stop snaring and hunting it is a struggle to even get a very small percentage to click and sign a petition.

Sit back in your comfy chair and look at your fluffy social media fox photos. Then think of it with a massive bullet hole through it or even choking to death in a snare or caught waiting to have its brains bashed in. Any -ANY- excuse not to help by simply signing a petition is your supporting the hunts and I hope you do not have to face the situation where "little fluffy" is gone BECAUSE you could not be bothered clicking your mouse.

Can you spot fluffy in this photo?

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