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Saturday, 14 January 2023

Baiting Wildlife To Film or Photograph


People on social media groups do it and so do, shame on them, professional wildlife people. Note:

Laying out food to encourage an animal's presence can negatively impact wildlife by altering their natural movement behaviors. Most wild animals spend a large portion of their time foraging or hunting, and as such are hugely opportunistic. A food opportunity that involves little energetic expenditure (i.e., they don't have to do much to find or access it)is a huge reward in terms of survival, and animals will very quickly learn to associate where and how they can benefit from a food source. By baiting any location with food, we override an animal's instinct to adhere to territory markings, be aware of signs of predators, and we change wild behavior by encouraging an animal to enter an area for human-created reasons. As a result, animals are more likely to be predated upon, have negative encounters with conspecifics (members of the same species), or cross roads and hostile habitat in an effort to access the food. Even one baiting activity can have a negative impact."
See source page below:
Basically you are getting the animal to ignore its natural prey such as rats and mice -which is helpful for the environment- to get food put out by humans -which is NOT good. Trusting humans will get a fox or badger killed.

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