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Wednesday, 29 March 2023

It's March -"Cat Killing Foxes" Lie Season Begins

 Please be aware that it is cub season and the hunt supporters have already started with their 'cat killer' fox posts.

ALWAYS check the profile of of anyone claiming their "beloved old pet cat" was grabbed by two foxes, etc etc. It shows ignorance of foxes but its what you expect.
In the past we have had claims of a 'pet owner' who stood by and watched her @beloved' cat torn to pieces by two foxes. We had someone (a woman again) claiming she captured two foxes ripping her pet cat apart on CCTV -when questioned and asked for the footage the person disappeared off groups.
Now we have someone who says her 16 year old blue -grey cat (microchipped no less) was grabbed and attacked by ....two foxes. The persons profile has no info, no friends and the only posts are photos that are likely taken from online sources. No photos or even mention of 'her' beloved cat.
So be aware. Come March come the pro hunt supporters hidden on nearly all FB fox and wildlife group pages. ALWAYS check out the sources.

Also this is the time of year when vixens move their young to safer locations and we have had one cub die recently when a tree surgeon and his dog disturbed the fox den -there is no excuse for that and quite honestly it is illegal to disturb badger setts or fox dens during cub season. This means that vixens carrying cubs are often reported as "foxes carryi8ng away a cat".

Above: It's a fox cub not a cat

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