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Monday, 6 March 2023

Naturalist/Mammalogist and Wildlife Historian Cv


Field Naturalist specialising in Mammalogy and wild canids and felids in particular.

From 1977- acted as a UK police forces advisor on exotic animals and formed the exotic Animals Register (EAR) in 1979. Also advised farmers and farmers groups as  well as other official bodies on exotics in the UK. Has cooperated with a number of UK colleges and universities including Exotic Cat Group University of Wales Swansea. The long term project makes him the most experienced (the only) naturalist working on this matter and studying any long term effects on the ecosystem.

1976 set up the British Fox Study concentrating on UK foxes and their history which resulted in The red Paper Vol. 1 Canids (2009) and The Red Paper 2022 Vol. I Canids looking at the history of the wild canids in Britain and Ireland/Eire including foxes, wolves and other released for hunts. Extinct Canids Study is a part of the Fox Study.  Again, this is the longest ongoing study of foxes in the UK.

Has looked at extinct canids and felids and written extensively on them including Hokkaido wolf and Falklands wolf.

As part of the British Fox Study a new project was set up in 2021 -The Fox Deaths Project which is unique in that foxes that have died under unusual circumstances or with odd symptoms are submitted via Bristol University Post Mortem Services and investigative PMs carried out at Langford Veterinary School. This is the only project of its type in the UK and revealing a great deal about what, other than cars, is killing foxes.

In 1980 the Wild Cat and Hybrids Study was set up and since its inception  has made a number of breakthroughs in over 40 years (as with the Fox Study) on British and Irish wild cats and their history. Island wild cats as well as feral cat colonies are one aspect of the Study. 

1. A Method For Grading Sightings Of Non-Native Cats: Application to South and West Wales, UKProfessor  Alayne Street-Perrott, Alaric B. Smith Exotic Cat Group University of Wales Swansea and Terry Hooper-Scharf Exotic Animals Register.

Proceedings of the 2nd Eastern Cougar Conference, MorgantownWest Virginia, 2004  

2. Exotic Cats In Britain: An Historical PerspectiveProfessor Alayne Street-Perrott, Alaric B. Smith Exotic Cat Group University of Wales Swansea and Terry Hooper-Scharf Exotic Animals Register, Proceedings of the 2nd Eastern Cougar Conference, MorgantownWest Virginia, 2004  

3. (Contributor) Survey effort and Sighting Probabilities for Non-Native Cats in CarmarthenshireProfessor Alayne Street-Perrott, Alaric B. Smith Exotic Cat Group University of Wales Swansea, Swansea Geographer 2004  vol. 39

4. The Biography of Perceived Encounters with Pumas and Other Exotic Cats in South and West Wales, UK; Alayne Street-Perrott, Alaric B. Smith Exotic Cat Group University of Wales Swansea and Terry Hooper-Scharf Exotic Animals Register. 2004

5. Felids: Wildcats, Ferals and Hybrids, Terry Hooper-Scharf. Vale Wildlife Group, 2000

6. UK National Wolverine Population and Evidence, Terry Hooper-Scharf, Vale Wildlife Group, November 2000

7. The Red Paper: Foxes, Fox-Domestic Dog, Hybrids, Arctic Foxes, Wolves, Jackals and Coyotes: An Extensive Study of Vulpes vulpes in the United Kingdom and Releases/Escapes of Non-Native Canids; Terry Hooper-Scharf.  Black Tower Books, 2011

8. The “Girt Dog” of Ennerdale: Hyena, Thylacine or Escaped Exotic Cat: A Naturalist’s Assessment of the Evidence. Terry Hooper-Scharf. Black Tower Books, 2018

 9.  The Current Threat To UK Fauna And The Introduction Of New Fauna Species Terry Hooper-Scharf. Black Tower Books 2021

Popular subjects with a heavy wildlife slant to them

10. Some Things Strange and Sinister Black Tower Books, 2009

11. Some More Things Strange and Sinister Black Tower Books, 2010

12. Pursuing The Strange and Sinister: A Naturalist's Viewpoint Black Tower Books, 2012

13. Mysterious and Strange Beasts Black Tower Books, 2012

Six other non wildlife related books

Various other unlisted papers and articles 2000-2021

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A European Old Fox Type (it is NOT a Red Fox)

  An auctioneer labelled this as a late 19th century "European Red Fox" probably because it is a fox and "All foxes are red f...