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Thursday, 15 June 2023

OUR Plastics and OUR Wildlife

  Although not the cause of death two foxes that underwent post mortems as part of the Bristol Fox Deaths Project had plastic in their stomachs. We also know that one fox outside of our area died due to ingesting a rubber balloon.

We have photographs from fox feeders of "takeaways" they put out in plastic bags. I only wish those people could be prosecuted for endangering wildlife but this is the UK. Take a look at these photos. 

No one putting food in plastic bags for wildlife is an animal lover - this is moronic  in the extreme.

The problem of people throwing rubbish from cars is still there. People dropping litter on walks is still there. I have noted many people on "country walks" reporting discarded plastic carrier bags and any number of party balloons that have been released and fallen into woodland or park areas. I have asked how much they collected and been told "That's not my job -I was walking and enjoying myself" or even "I had the dog with me so could not pick anything up" which are pretty lame excuses.

But we live at a time when people on wildlife groups will note that they often drive past dead badgers and foxes but never report them "They're dead so of no interest" (despite a couple of those involved "Liking" my posts on dead badgers and foxes). 

We need this information to assess the wildlife losses (particularly of species in decline such as foxes and badgers) but we also need to be aware that every piece of plastic litter picked up can prevent an mammal/bird from swallowing it and suffering the consequences or getting material stuck around legs, heads and bodies requiring a trap and rescue that might fail -and the animals fate is....

So, please, please, pick up any plastic litter you see while out and about because it could prevent a mammal or bird death.

Thank You

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British Fox and Wild Canid Study 1976