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Friday, 29 September 2023

Just A Brief Word


 Just a brief word. I assume that you visit this blog because you find the subject matter of interest?

Despite some thinking that I make money from these blogs I do not. They are not monetized and not filled with gambling or unsavoury ads. With a world wide readership I have to make sure that nothing I post or ads that I would have no control over do not get someone in a country with more restrictive laws into trouble.

Blogger -and Google mainly- do not push blogs. This blog does not appear when you search Google or Bing so most people will never know that it exists.

There are ways that you can help -I have given up on expecting comments- and one is to become a blog follower. It costs nothing but shows that there are real people out there reading the blog.

The second way is to pass links around to people or groups you think might be interested. It's all basic but helps show I am not posting to myself even though I know this tiny blog has had 26, 307 views.

So if you can help please do.

Thank You

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