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Sunday, 10 March 2024

Fox Rescue -Can You Support The Work?

 Sarah Mills is on call daily to treat mild or severe cases of mange in foxes as well as trap and get veterinary help for injured foxes. She has covered every area in Bristol as well as just outside the City and even Bath.

Dedication is not, however, all it takes. When you think of the mileage and fuel bill involved it is beyond most people's "out of pocket expenses".
Two traps are required because with a city the size of Bristol past experience has shown that 2-3 traps may be required at one time.  We set the goal as £300 which is extremely low but as support from people tends to not get that high it seemed possibly achievable. Ask any wildlife rescue and £300 vanishes very quickly!
If you can help with a donation (no obligation) that all helps. 
Thank You
This year has started badly when it comes to fox deaths. Mainly on the roads but also some absolutely horrific facial injuries. All of the foxes rescued needed to be trapped to avoid more stress and pain, meaning easy transportation to the vets. Non of the injuries this year have been able to be put right. But the Foxes have been able to be set free to heaven and an end to pain and suffering.
Currently not being able to set a trap in more than once place at a time is hard and having to choose who is more deserving is heartbreaking.
As always thank you x

Just some of the rescues Sarah has worked on and ones that can be shown because some involve what would be described as "horrific injuries". The first image shows how exhausted some foxes can be as curling up and sleeping in a trap is far from normal behaviour.

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