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Saturday, 13 April 2024

The Unluckiest Ginger and White Cat in Bristol?

 Just deleted one person who joined yesterday and stated a fox was worrying local cats -hers included- in Easton. I sent her a message asking for video footage and asking her to explain what was going on as it might be behaviour that is misunderstood. 24 hours later no response.

Just checked and her profiles states FROM Bristol but LIVING IN London so how she is having her and neighbours cats hassled by a fox in Bristol where she has not lived for some time...) . Anti-fox lies again. And locals are reporting they get no problems and actually like the foxes.

And we've had the ginger and white cat with pink collar taken to a vet after a fox attack. Well a person states someone they knew had told them and the vet named have said they have had no cat submitted last night.

This is "Bristol's Unluckiest Cat" as it was attacked and carried off helpless by a fox in 2022 and attacked and savaged by a fox in 2023....oh, and carried off again. All at the same time of year and always posted to pet and fox groups.

How many ginger and white with pink collars are there in Bristol?

Same lies over and over.
In the last 5 years I have gone after these people (politely) asking for their CCTV footage and the name of the vet they took their savaged cat to. Checking their profiles they have not one single image of their "much loved and part of the family" pet. In fact they may have hacked and used those accounts.

This is the level the pro-hunt/anti-fox faction have sunk to every year and I go back on these claims to the 1970s well before the internet and 1976-2024 any photos, vet reports or other evidence? NOT one bit.

So be aware when you see these claims they are fake.

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