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Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Bristol Fox Deaths Project 2021 -2024

 Just waiting for the proof copy to check and then I'll put out the order link.

Pages   226

Binding Type   Paperback Perfect Bound

Interior Color   Color

Dimensions   A4


In 2020 the British Fox and Wild Canids Study (f 1976) decided that the number of suspected

fox poisoning cases in the City of Bristol needed to be properly investigated. The attitude of "just foxes" had prevailed for too long and the number of deaths reported were either deliberate poisoning or indicators of some form of disease in foxes.

Necropsies (post mortems) were carried out at Langford Veterinary School via Bristol University Post Mortem Services with results going to the Wildlife Network for Disease Surveillance and Animal Plant Health Advisory.

Although there were Road Traffic Accident cases far more was discovered about how various illnesses and diseases affect the British Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) and as the only necropsy study of its kind carried out in the UK the possible reason for the increasing decline of the species appears to have been found as it claims cubs and young adult foxes lives every year.

As the first type of study in the UK this is groundbreaking and of interest to not just wildlife vets but wildlife rescue centres.


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