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Friday, 21 May 2021

Fox v Cat. Or the reality: the Fox Never Wins!


I no longer comment on posts that claim "Foxes killed my cat and I ran out in time to see them carry it off" or "I watched as two foxes tore my cat apart" and "I have two foxes ripping my cat to pieces on cctv" for a simple reason.

They are lies.
"As I've studied foxes since 1976 could I get a copy of the cctv footage to look at wht happened?"
No response.
Similar claim on another group and the person changed their story elsewhere to their cat was killed by a car (no info on whether two foxes were driving the car)
"I watched two foxes kill and tear my cat apart" comment and the person has lefyt the group.
On another a woman claims two foxes killed her cat and she ran outside to see them carry it off but she "still loves her foxies".
If someone puts a sack of bull-shit under my nose I explain that it smells.
Always "two foxes". Because one fox is no challenge for a cat and if you claim two its the "they hunt in packs" fear spreader. What I find very telling is that cctv footage to prove the claim is never presented. No images of the dead cats is presented. In one case the killing was so quick that the two foxes were away with the dead cat by the time the person involved got outside. Foxes are not wolf size and if they xcarry off prey they can only go as fast as the weight they carry will allow them to.
Second point is this; these people ALL just stood there and watched as their cat was attacked by two foxes and killed or ripped apart. Some animal attacked any domestic animal my first reaction is to intervene not stand by and enjoy the scene as something is injured or killed.
From my notes I note that on no less than five occasions now I have rescued an adult dog fox cornered by a cat (a different cat and fox each time ) and being attacked. I have seen a vixen and dog fox lunged at and kept away from a dish of a hedgehog. A big hedgehog but still a hedgehog and that is not unusual. a hedgehog also tried to attack the leg of my old cross collie -greyhound, Sam.
I have footage of a kitten -about 10 months old- having a go at a fox as it was eating.
In a study it was shown that fox was at the very bottom of a list of threats to domestic cats and even then it was included "in case". A fox will take a road-kill cat. Hawks, ravens, crows, magpies and even "nature's dustman" the hedgehog will eat road-kill.
What we are seeing, and others have noticed, are people who are anti fox or pro hunt, seed themselves in wildlife groups and even fox groups on Face Book and they post nothing until "My cat was killed by foxes" and that tends to be it. Proof? None. Photo of the cat killed? None. In some cases I suspect it is the same person using different profiles but it wreaks of desperation. Ignore them and delete or ask for evidence.
The -THE- biggest argument against these fake claims are on fox groups in their hundreds. Photos of foxes and cats, domestic dogs eating together, sitting by each other or even playing. NOT the image that the pro hunt lobbly want anyone to see. And no one does unless they are on a fox group. This does not help the cause of the fox.
If there were a public site on which these photos and videos clips were posted it would challenge all the false claims. No locations have to be given BECAUSE the important thing is the image and I think it says a lot when someone watching a cat and fox play comments: "Playing with its dinner" because that is utter DESPERATION and a low IQ at work.
Until fox feeders/watchers decide to openly challenge the misconceptions with evidence they have then this will continue.

Unfortunately I cannot post any pof the photos of cats and foxes together because the posters won't give permission so.....

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