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Sunday, 23 May 2021

So WHY Would "Fox Lovers" NOT Want A Study of Foxes With The Aim To Protect Them?

 The fox work has, for several months, put a lot of stress and pressure on me -added to by people in the fox 'community'. I cannot give out details of persons or private conversations (haven't done so in over 40 years and don't intend to start breaking rules now, however, the persons named below have publicly commented on FB and those comments can be found via a quick search) but I had two people from fox groups tell me they had received messages from other people to have nothing to do with me or my "suspect" study.

I dismissed this as there was no real evidence for it until I went on to Everything Fox today:

Craig Anthony
"Dont take him on! This group is just about spreading the joy of people with the foxes they have visit them! Nothing more, nothing less. If the guy wants to get some protection for them then that can be done away from this group and by other means"


Linda Darnell

"Why do people have to pm you? I wouldn't be comfortable pm'ing you. This group provides ample photos and stories without your needing members to pm you. FB in general is a shady place, in case you haven't noticed. I'm actually surprised you got 4 people to PM you"


Sarah Peters

"Linda Darnell I wouldn’t be telling anyone the location of my foxes. Not really sure how and why he wants to get them protection. Seems odd to me"
I think just those three responses says it all. But then:

James Burden

"Hardly anyone will pm you with information. .
If you want to do a survey, set up a website where data can be entered, and another Facebook page / group dedicated to the survey.

However even if you do this the data would be so patchy as to be useless.
As far as i know the fix population estimates are quite accurate and current and indicate no threat to the species requiring protection."

Now whether these are anti fox people who are in fox groups trying to stop a study or not I have no idea but it is very suspect to me that people who ;loves foxes do not think they need protection or help in any way.

Academics and other bodies are awkward enough as are some naturalists whom I suspect want fox hunting to continue for their own reasons. However, that alleged fox lovers are alsao blocking attempts to study foxes is just incredible.

I am the one gets the threats and I am the one losing money by the bucket load by doing this.

I suspect most fox groups on Face Book are infiltrated by pro hunt people. How do you tell from from other members....check their lack of profiles?
I did respond politely to all of this but, for some reason I have to have m,y posts moderated which means that it cou;ld take a day for it to be approved. Yet, in the meantime the attacks on my work are still posted straight to group. Perhaps I should not have turned down the offer to be an Admin?

I would not normally be too concerned but it seems that certain people are spreading "the word" and I will not sit back and accept this.

Snares and leg traps are still being used and are barbaric and result in the deaths and injuries to all types of wildlife as well as pets. Badgers and hedgehogs are protected species and they die, like foxes, slowly. These devices are illegal on public ground yet persons are still plaing them there. Morons with pellets guns are shooting birds and at foxes and badgers'

Sadly, we cannot ask the fox pictured below if it needs protection as it died slowlyin a snare.

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