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Sunday 6 March 2022

Cautionary Notes Regarding Badgers and Foxes

 It is nice to know people are seeing badgers in the City. However, as I have been preaching to boredom for a few years now, DO NOT post publicly any location.

Some bedger areas are well known and have been in the City for decades but I still never say where for obvious reasons. As there has been no badger group in Bristol since the mid 1990s when I was looking at them, I think it safe to say dead badgers can be reported to me. I have even, by being very diplomatic Terry, got a pathologist who will carry out post mortem examinations in the case of suspicious deaths.

In the meantime I am still trying to build up a picture of as much badger activity as I can (don't panic this all goes into a specially coded book that only I understand) so that we can be prepared if any injured or sick badgers need to be treated.

ABSOLUTELY NO DATA GOES TO DEFRA -I am 100% against the cull of badgers based on scientific data. Also, I have never given out a location of an animal since 1977 so I am fairly secure 🙂

The other thing I need to remind people about are foxes and giving out their locations on groups, etc. We KNOW pro hunt supporters are on most fox and wildlife groups in general and all looking out for "soft targets".

I used to think that this was paranoia but I was told this by naturalists and a couple years ago my night camera caught one of those looking for fox cubs. At 0321 hrs, he entered the garden quietly and took 12 seconds to check out the bottom of the small oak tree. He had obviously been keeping tabs on where the foxes were going but far from there being a den in my garden (I wish) the foxes moved behind this tree to get under a fence.

The police, obviously, had "nothing to go on" (the fella KNEW the camera was on the tree and always kept his head out of range). Someone wants to come into my fox less garden now they have a few surprises waiting for them.

But it is a problem that exists.

The other problem affects both badgers and foxes: poisoning and snaring. As we do not get told of all dead foxes (and there is a criteria so any found on the road or pavement by the road are usually ignored as RTA) and in some cases only 2-4 days later by which time the bodies are useless to Zoe Webber and myself as we cannot submit them for PM. WE have had two cases of poison -rodenticide but probably from eating poisoned rats (I still have questions about that).

In 2021 a fox was believed killed by a snare -the snare was not attached but the signs were clear. We did have another and this one we had a pm carried out on. The pathologist was shocked that the fox was killed by a snare -in the City itself and the danger that posed to pets.
The people involved are not normal and some do this for fun and others for fur -that two were killed as a resort of snaring and not killed shows what idiots these people are,
So if you have badgers or foxes in your garden (or both) then please let me know via messenger or

You can contact me the same way for dead foxes and badgers -if you see either that are sick or injured then pklease contact Secret World straight away.

We all need to protect wildlife as government and councils are not.

Now for the proof of intruders in the garden...
(ignore time stamp as I forgot to reset)

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