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Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Something worth thinking about

 James Edmund Harting (1880):

"To the naturalist it is a somewhat sad reflection that animals of the forest and the chase, now only known by name as the inhabitants of other countries, were once as familiar to our ancestors as they are at present to the people of the remote kingdoms which they frequent. Man has been warring against these forest denizens, and as tract after tract which they once claimed as their own has been brought under the ploughshare, they have been driven farther and farther back, until the last of them has been blotted out from our fauna."

Later hunts started replanting woodland in their "countries" for the specific purpose of keeping hunting alive.

It was not for the environment or to make the estates look pretty.

It was solely to make a fresh killing field.

The Bear
The Beaver
The wild boar
The wolf
The wildcat
The Old foxes

They all paid the price and became extinct so that a few well off people could have 'sporting fun'

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Bristol Fox Deaths Project Final Report

 Over 200 pages and hopefully out by mid February