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Sunday, 15 October 2023

This is a war and the anti wildlife and "don't care" army are winning.


upsetting photo? Some people are seeing this 1-3 times a day and they get crap for dealing with it and no support.

Last night we lost another dead fox that I would have preferred to have submitted for a post mortem. It was the second in the street to die and we have no information about the first. Last night's fox was collapsed and foaming at the mouth.  Immediately people jumped to the "it was poisoned!" conclusion. I even had a message at around midnight to tell me the fox had been poisoned.

We have had a fox collapse and foam at the mouth earlier this year and that one was submitted for post mortem. The cause of death was, basically, underlying health issues -no poison. Every year, and at least 4-5 times, I have to tell people that foxes die for many reasons and that no one can say "poisoned" until a post mortem is carried out. We have had six(it may be more) vets declare that a dead fox was poisoned -the PMs reveal not a trace of poison but underlying health conditions.

Last night's fox was not reported directly to us but via a forwarded Face Book post over 2 hours later. Secret World wildlife could not get anyone to the site (I still have no accurate location) and when someone was available they were told that the RSPCA had dealt with it. That means it was probably put to sleep in situ then bagged up and eventually sent for incineration. The RSPCA does not carry out post mortems and will likely just call this "RTA" (road traffic accident).  I will be trying to find out if anything was done such as checking the fox over but a dead fox is "just a dead fox".  Cooperation and information from the RSPCA over the last three years has been zero -and I usually get a run around rather than any facts.

This is in fact the third fox we have lost in as many weeks. Jaundiced, collapsed fox blah blah blah. I have gotten so used to losing foxes that fit the criteria I have. Despite asking several times and I know that there are taxidermists on the bigger 'naturalist' groups with sizeable freezers, no one has offered temporary storage for dead foxes. I even asked whether there was anyone with old fridges or freezers that still worked that they could donate. Three years later -nothing.

I have to admit the smaller Face Book wildlife groups are basically social media clubs and there has been no solid cooperation from them -even dead fox reports tend to come from pet groups. The bigger groups... well, the title "naturalist" used to mean that you had an interest in natural history and generally that you were a person who went out into the field. Butterflies, birds and pretty flowers seem the main interests and occasional "wine and walk" events. Of course, my post on one of them stating that Bristol needed a wildlife rescue was removed as being "campaigning"??

We do not have chiller/freezer facilities so come Friday -Sunday we cannot pick up any foxes to preserve for post mortems. Considering that I am the person named as being in charge I get a lot of "harsh" comments back when I explain this to people. The persistent ones I ask "Well, if you can bag and put it in your freezer until Monday?" and that stops the chat.

This morning a blind fox picked on by others, in an emaciated condition will not be fed up to see if its body mass can be increased or housed in a safe permanent enclosure as some rescues do. It will be put down.  Another fox dragging its hind legs might have an injury that can be treated but take time. It will be put to sleep. Oh, and a vet calls the wildlife rescuer "a member of the public" in an insulting way and my patience with these people (vets) is stretching to the limit. The foxes become Nos 214 and 215 this year (again, reported dead foxes).

Remember also that all of the work including the driving back and forth is all "out of pocket" and not funded. If the rescuers did not answer calls no one else would and the RSPCA would be in a difficult position. Foxes, etc, would just be left to slowly die.

All the "animal lovers" that "saw a fox by the roadside but can't stop -on a school run/off to work/got an appointment" don't stop to check if the animal is alive or dead. No one wants to help or cooperate so where are all of the wildlife supporters. This is a war and the anti wildlife and "don't care" army are winning.

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