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Monday, 12 February 2024

There Should BE No "Reintroductions" in States or Countries: Extinction Is Something They Have Caused

 As a rule France has historically been a country that hates wolves with a vengeance and has taken any and all opportunities to kill them.  Guess what? "Too many wolves" so France is allowing them to be killed again. Oh, and its the farmers calling for the killings and politicians know where the money/votes are.

"For many years I was in favour of reintroducing species such as wolves but I am now totally opposed. We (humans) wipe out wolves, coyotes and foxes legally and illegally. Then we bring back more to "fill the valuable environmental niche" and a bump up in population numbers "Let's harvest some" or as we call it kill them. We have seen -in Europe as well- wolves returning only to be protected then slaughtered because "numbers have increased" or one has attacked a sheep in an open pasture (Netherlands) or because someone's horse is attacked in a well known wolf territory but not kept in a secure stable and so Germany wants to kill.

It is worth reading this:

Norway may have killed its wolves off to the point where the population may never recover. More wolves killed by hunters than was allowed...don't worry we can bring more in to replace them (then kill them off again).

If a state kills off its wolf population or has to resort to killing wolves -why not transfer to a wolf friendly state -is there one) - then that state does not have a right to have wolves in it. I say this after 45 years as a naturalist who has seen this situation play out over and over again. More wolves to be killed in Yellowstone? A farce."

And I write this knowing full well that the UK fox is also heading for extinction. 100,000 killed on roads a year and a couple thousand killed due to snares as well as night time shooters out to kill for 'fun'. That's all it is and any excuse made up will work to justify the killing of an animal that is necessary to the environment and is no threat to live stock -it is a domestic cat sized animal.

Without total protection for canids -whether wolves, coyotes, jackals or foxes- and harsh prosecution for killing them then we are going to see populations diminish and die out until someone wakes up and realises it is too late. That said, humans are set to destroy the only planet they have so do they care about more extinctions?

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